Perhaps the greatest legacy we can leave to the world, is the gift of wisdom
The timeless wisdom of the Buddha’s teaching is as relevant now as it was 2,500 years ago. Today, these ancient teachings are bringing benefit to countless people all over the world, and are held in the highest regard by scientists, spiritual leaders, philosophers and great thinkers alike.
For the Dharma to take root and flourish in the modern world, it is vital that we support the training and development of scholars, translators, teachers and practitioners, who cultivate their potential to a high level, and then share their knowledge and experience with others.
The spirit of generosity has been a defining characteristic of the Buddhist tradition supporting great Buddhist Masters and their monasteries, study colleges, retreat centres and publishing work since ancient times.
To continue to grow this cycle of giving and receiving, the Tertön Sogyal Foundations welcome donations, wills and legacies.
The Foundations were named after Lerab Lingpa Tertön Sogyal (1856-1926), a great nineteenth-century Tibetan saint and mystic, who was the teacher of the thirteenth Dalai Lama and a leading figure in the revitalisation of the Buddhist teachings in Tibet.
Tertön Sogyal Foundations were established in 1996 to promote and advance the Buddhist religion in all parts of the world in any manner which is charitable in law.
The goal of the Endowment Fund is to provide the long-term financial security and resources that are necessary for the work of Rigpa to continue to flourish and grow, for the benefit of future generations.
All gifts received by the Rigpa Endowment Fund through the Tertön Sogyal Foundations, whether by donations, wills or legacies are invested and preserved in perpetuity. Only the interest and capital gains are distributed through grants.
Making a Will is one of the most practical ways we can prepare for our death. It is also one of the most significant and lasting ways we can express our love and care for those things that matter most to us in our life—our families, friends and loved ones, and our ideals and values.
In 2021, the Tertön Sogyal Foundations and Rigpa started disbursing grants funded by donations and by investments.
Since then, Study and Practice Grants have supported many Rigpa students to take part in retreats, Shedra courses and practice training. Light of Dharma Grants have supported the development of numerous innovative projects including the new Rigpa Curriculum, online courses and the collation and preservation of teachings.
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