Tertön Sogyal Foundations

How to contact us

Tertön Sogyal Foundations have been established in each country where Rigpa has a significant presence. Please contact us at one of the email addresses or phone numbers below.

Tertön Sogyal Trust UK

Address: 330 Caledonian Road, London N1 1BB, United Kingdom
Email: info@terton-sogyal.co.uk
Website: terton-sogyal.org/uk


Tertön Sogyal Foundation US

Address: 72 Reade Street, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10007, USA
Phone: +19174340223
Email: admin@terton-sogyal-usa.org
Website: terton-sogyal.org/us

Le Fonds Tertön Sogyal France

Address: Rigpa Lerab Ling, L’Engayresque, 34650 Roqueredonde, France
Phone: +33 (0) 467 884 633
Email: legacies@rigpa.org
Website: terton-sogyal.org/fr

Fundación Tertön Sogyal Spain

Address: Plaza Urquinaona 5, principal 2b, Barcelona 08010, Spain
Phone: +34 649403333
Website: terton-sogyal.org/es

In 2021, the Tertön Sogyal Foundations and Rigpa started disbursing grants funded by donations and by investments.

Since then, Study and Practice Grants have supported many Rigpa students to take part in retreats, Shedra courses and practice training. Light of Dharma Grants have supported the development of numerous innovative projects including the new Rigpa Curriculum, online courses and the collation and preservation of teachings.